“Self Perception”

            In this piece I was hoping to convey somewhat my sense of self-perception. Each image in the piece relates in one way or another to my views and opinions of myself, and how I believe I may be perceived by others.   The image shows many versions of me looking at and discussing various works of art that also happen to be of me.   The one painting on the wall is of me with my hands on my face screaming. This shows how I feel most of the time. Stressed out and unhappy is a normal thing for me.   You'll also notice that the group of “me” in the bottom corner all seem to be having a good time.   I compiled the image this way to illustrate the point that I am my own best friend, and my biggest critic.  

            I began this piece by putting together numerous images of me in different poses.   Cutting these images out of their original backgrounds was one of the hardest parts of this piece.   I say this because it is extremely hard to get that almost halo like light that surrounds your image when you use flash, away from the piece that you're trying to keep.   I very much enjoyed putting together the “paintings” that are within my self-perception art gallery.   Each one of those was like a little project on their own. I put a lot of time into each of them to make sure that they had good meaning. This was another fun project and I like the way that my piece turned out.